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Marital / Partner , Child Custody & Support Investigations

Really good family law private investigators that help our clients with matters pertaining to pre-divorce partner intelligence, child support investigations, and child custody investigative services.

We help average people with marital and partner issues

Bay Area Family Law Investigation Services With Nationwide Options

Nationwide private investigators helping you win favorable divorce and family law related disputes. We are the Divorce Detectives™. We specialize in helping California families navigate complex family law matters with our preeminent private investigation services. We focus on cases where our clients are dealing with divorce and all the things that go with divorce, such as child custody, finding marital assets, spousal support, and unfaithful partners.

Consult with a licensed family law investigator.

San Francisco Bay Area / Nationwide Family Law Investigation Services

Alexa Y., CA

“I used divorce detectives and I was very pleased. Not the cheapest but I don't believe it could be done any other way."

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SF Bay Area Family Law Investigators Spade & Archer®


California Population:


California Divorce Rate:


U.S. Divorce Rate:


Source: Time

Why Do Marriages End In Divorce?

Here are some common reasons a marriage may end in divorce:

  • Growing apart. Growing usually denotes a good thing, but growing apart is just a "feel good" term used to say that there is no longer any interest in honoring ones commitment.

  • Extramarital affairs or infidelity is a fancy way of saying they cheat. Again, no honor, just selfish gain.

  • Lack of commitment means that they just gave up, or don't really care.

  • Financial problems can lead to one or the other resenting their marriage mate.

  • Disagreements related to children which can include religion and lifestyles. It is especially difficult for step-parents.

  • Alcohol or drug abuse is a leading contributor to divorce. Mental health issues play a big part in substance abuse.

  • Domestic violence and abuse are strong catalysts for divorce, and rightly so. If you are facing domestic threats, contact us.

  • Constant arguing and conflict over everything and nothing is an indicator that your partner is nit-picking and no longer interested in maintaining the marriage.

  • Differing lifestyles and values is another fly-by-night way of saying that your partner no longer wants the same thing and will just treat your marriage as disposable refuse when they get a whim to go in some far flung direction.

California Divorce Detectives Statistics

Types of disputes that people hire divorce attorney for -

When People Hire Lawyers

The types of disputes that people hire divorce attorneys for are shown to the left. This is also around the same time that people hire DivoreceDetectives.

Image Source:

wedding ring – California

The Cost

Divorce attorneys on average are $14,000 for a full-scope divorce. However, the emotional cost can be far more damaging than the financial impact.


Average First Divorce Age

30 is the average age that someone goes through their first divorce.


Percent Who Hire Divorce Attorney

57% percent of people in a survey hired a full-scope divorce attorney. 10% hired just in a consultative role. 33% represented their own divorces.

Distanced Couple going through divorce -

3 Reasons People Divorce




California Divorce Asset Searches

We help our California private clients and family law firms locate assets during divorce negotiations, or after divorce that may provide an opportunity to rightfully collect what our clients' are due.

Our Divorce Detectives™ services provide several sought after expert private investigation services. Asset investigations is our second most desired service when our clients are facing challenging family matters.

We locate assets that may prove your partner has perjured themselves before the court. We find assets before your partner ever knows you were looking. We find assets during trials and during negotiations so that you have leverage at the bargaining table. No matter when you want us to locate divorce assets or, assets for child custody cases, and spousal support matters, we can begin immediately.

We locate divorce assets for the following cases:

  • Before you file for dissolution of marriage (divorce).

  • During disputes about your divorce to give your legal case strong merit.

  • After a divorce when your ex-partner may be hiding assets that you have been awarded.

  • During child support or child custody cases.

  • During or after alimony (spousal support). This can help reduce or increase spousal support, depending on what your needs are.

Look for Divorce Assets Now!

Don't wait! Divorce assets are perishable. There are legal time frames in which to make any claims. Additionally, the longer you wait, the more potential your partner has to obscure their assets, which makes it more costly and challenging to locate. 

When you want to prove what assets your spouse has, you need to take the initiative to hire our Divorce Detective Asset Search services now. 

The Assets Divorce Detectives Locate

Divorce Detectives™ locate a wide variety of assets before, during, or after a divorce. Our divorce asset searches are based on the particular needs of your case. We create custom plans that go after what may be rightfully yours. Whether you are served by a divorce attorney or, directly working with Divorce Detectives, you can be assured that we will find the assets that you need to locate.


Some of our asset investigation services are:

  • Locate banks that your partner uses (once we find them a subpoena can be issued)

  • Real estate

  • Businesses

  • Collections such as art, automobiles, etc

  • Intellectual property

  • Retirement funds

  • 401K

  • Insurance policies

  • Shell companies

  • Off shore accounts and business entities

  • Stocks​

Father and Children – California Divorce Detectives

Child Custody Statistics


1/4 of all American children under the age of 21 have a parent that lives outside their primary home.

1/3 of USA children living in a single parent household, live in poverty.



Over half of all child custody cases, both parents agree that the mother should be the custodial parent.

California Child Custody and Support Investigations

When it comes to the health and well-being of your children, most people will do anything. The California child support system is complex and child custody cases may be even more difficult.

Divorce Detectives is a service of Private a licensed California private investigation firm. DivorceDetectives helps fathers and mothers get the help they need for their children's' livelihood.

How We Help Win Child Custody Cases

We help parents during child custody disputes. Our assistance is specialized in that we aid private client parents, like you, along with attorneys to help win child custody cases. We do this through the use of investigative efforts that look at and lawfully expose bad parents. We believe bad parents contribute to a pretty dismal looking society. Good parents nurture, understand and direct their children to becoming valuable contributing members of their communities.

We support parents by legally documenting bad behavior, unknown facts, and illegally obscured details that make the parent seem like a prince(ss) when really they're a bad actor (poor parent).

We desire to see your children grow up in a healthy environment, and if that means we document the other parent lying, cheating, or committing fraud and perjury, then so-be-it.

California Child Support Investigations

We help parents during child custody disputes. Our assistance is specialized in that we aid private client parents, like you, along with attorneys to help win child custody cases. We do this through the use of investigative efforts that look at and lawfully expose bad parents. We believe bad parents contribute to a pretty dismal looking society. Good parents nurture, understand and direct their children to becoming valuable contributing members of their communities.

We support parents by legally documenting bad behavior, unknown facts, and illegally obscured details that make the parent seem like a prince(ss) when really they're a bad actor (poor parent).

We desire to see your children grow up in a healthy environment, and if that means we document the other parent lying, cheating, or committing fraud and perjury, then so-be-it.

Private Investigations For Child Custody & Support

All of our DivorceDetectives private investigation services are available from Los Angeles County to San Diego. The investigative services we provide depend on the needs of our client. We custom create every step to your exact specifications. 

Los Angeles to San Diego DivorceDetectives Services:

  • Surveillance of parents when your child is in their care to document anything contrary to good parenting or court orders

  • Locating deadbeat parents that you need to serve with court papers

  • Process serving deadbeat parents

  • Finding places of employment for deadbeat parents 

  • Find financial assets of non-custodial parents not paying child support

  • Documenting visitations for your legal case

  • Aiding clients in finding proper legal counsel

  • Activity checks when children are with the other parent

  • Documentation of living conditions of the other parent

Woman laying in bed distraught – California

Cheating & Infidelity


1/5 of all American married men cheated on their lawfully wed wives.


The percentage of women who have cheated on their husbands.


Half of all cheaters are still married.

Cheating Spouse Infidelity Investigations 

When you know, you know. California is a no-fault state that allows you to file for divorce for any reason. You don't need to prove infidelity. Cheaters will be cheaters and you are allowed to file the divorce and quickly move on, especially if there were no children born into the marriage.

Whether there were children or not, many people feel they need to prove that their husband/wife or partner is unfaithful. It can be a matter of their own self sanity. Also, many are in relationships with people that their family may love and even defend the offending mate. In times like this many DivoreDetectives clients want to know and want to prove that their mate has been unfaithful. It may especially be helpful to prove to others that you were right.

How DivorceDetectives Catches Cheaters

We work closely with you, our client. We want to learn everything we can in order to successfully catch your partner if they are cheating. Not every time is a potential errant spouse caught in the act. It's important for us to work with you on dates, times, events, etc. in order to learn the best possible time to conduct our surveillance observations. Surveillance is how we catch cheaters.

Infidelity Surveillance Investigations

We are often asked: What is surveillance? Surveillance is an industry term used by private investigators when they watch a person discreetly. Private detectives will work usually in a team of two to three surveillance operators, especially if the person under observation will be driving in metropolitan areas.

The surveillance team will work in concert to ensure that the surveillance is uninterrupted.  This ensures no details are missed and if your spouse is cheating, we will catch them.

  • How much does a background check cost?
    We custom tailor each background check to the needs of the matter at hand. You can count on a background check starting at $416 for a good point of reference. However, depending on what you require, many cost around $1250 and into the many thousands of dollars, again, depending on what your mission is and what is important to know.
  • What does a background investigation cost?
    Background investigations are more in-depth and can focus on a certain area, be broad in nature or go very deep. Background investigations start at $1250.00
  • What's the differnece in a background check/investigation and criminal history?
    Criminal history investigations can be part of a background check/investigation. They can also be a stand alone service you choose to hire us for. Criminal history checks start at $400 where a basic background check starts at $600.
  • How long does a background check/investigation take?
    Depending upon the information you desire, a background check can be completed the same day. This is especially true of criminal history checks that use our proprietary sources to see if the Subject of investigation has a criminal history in the State and Counties we have access to. Some take longer, this is solely dependent upon how deep you wish to go. Some background investigations can take a month, but this is generally the case when we are interviewing people during the background investigation.
  • Will the person know I am conducting a criminal history check?
    Nope. No one will ever know, unless you tell them.
  • How much does a criminal history check cost?
    Prices start at $416. A lot will depend upon how deep the criminal check needs to go. For example, has the person lived in 27 counties across the U.S.? If so, then it can get more expensive than $416. This will also largely depend on whether we need to get the source documents from the courthouse they reside in. This will add significant costs.
  • Is the background check/investigation discreet?
    100% yes. There is nothing that leaves a trail on discreet background inquiries. However, some types of background investigations need the subject's permission to go into various areas of their life or if making financial inquiries. We will advise you ahead of time if that is the case so you can decide if this is what you want.
  • Why use you for criminal history over those cheap sites online?
    Because they're crap. They are not private investigators and they do not have access to the proprietary data we have. Plus there is no one working on your case. It's nothing more than a data dump. Sometimes there is accurate information. But do you really want to trust your decision to a cheap, unreliable data dump? Of course not! We have a lot to say about these online sources, but read more in our blog articles.
  • Do you conduct nationwide criminal checks?
    It is very misleading when private investigators talk about "nationwide" criminal history investigations. There are many nuances to this investigation, including which counting is reporting current data, what State has access to what information, etc. It's complex and best explained when you consult with us. Suffice it to say, there is no way we can just plug someones identifiers in and spit out a nationwide record, there are nuances to know and understand. Sometimes, records are not available unless we send someone to that particular courthouse.
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